You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 1, 2004.

What a great weekend! I work Sunday through Thursday so I had Friday and Saturday off already, managed to get Sunday off and we were closed Monday. A four day weekend! Wow! This hasn’t happened in awhile.

Thursday was off to Fridleykins with Keem, Beth and Matt for some Sheepshead. Friday I stayed in and played on the computer all night, that’s always fun!

It was on Saturday when I started to get wild (okay, keep in mind that I’m 37 and don’t drink or do drugs. Bingo is wild for me. Okay. It’s sad, I know it but dang it, I’m old). Hung out with my sister, Kari and Keem on Saturday. We went to Arden Hill’s Pot O’ Gold and played Bingo. That was great, I won $166 on the coverall! It’s gone now, of course, because Keem and I have a bingo rule, if either of us win, we split it. Kari decided this rule applied to her as well. Hmm, I wonder if she’ll remember this if she ever wins the Powerball. We played one session and then were off to Fuddruckers for the best hamburgers in Minnesota (the best hamburgers in the States are at the Burger Bar in Las Vegas). We then returned for the 7:15 session and that’s when I won. Didn’t win the 2nd session that night but it was still fun. We then went back to Fridleykins with Beth and Tommy (a guy from work) joined us. We initiated Tommy into the world of Sheepshead. It was a lot of fun and hopefully he’ll join us again some night.

Sunday we went to karaoke at The Chalet in Roseville. The host is named Bryan McDonald and he is great. He’s very funny and wow, can he ever sing. Keem had never gone to karaoke before so it was great having her there. Beth and I are karaoke junkies and we joke that Bryan is our drug of choice. We will applaud anyone who has the guts to come on stage and sing. So, if you happen to be fond of karaoke, live in Minnesota and have a Sunday night free, come check it out. Unless, of course, you are an axe murderer. That would be bad. And The Chalet has moved to Australia.

June 2004

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