You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 18, 2004.

Last night I was reading a blog by lbg and came across something I found very disturbing. Someone leaves a comment that reads “Your blog sucks!” What the hell is that? How is that mature?

I said in an earlier post that I’m a fairly mellow person and I was raised to follow the Golden Rule – “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You (or whatever version you’ve might have heard).” So when I am reading a blog that I don’t agree with, do I leave a nasty comment about how wrong the person is? No, I don’t. I just go onto the next one. I really enjoy the fact that people all over this world are different. I can accept diversity. I also enjoy thought-provoking debates in which people can present their opinion to their opponent and ask that it be considered.

Here’s the thing, people. Everything I put on this site is my opinion. Opinion, from (oh, I love that site) reads as follows:

o·pin·ion noun

1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).

2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.

3. A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.

4. The prevailing view: public opinion.

5. Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

So, if you don’t like my opinions, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to change to suit you. The same goes if I’m on someone’s site and I don’t like something they said. Maybe if people show some respect for one another, we wouldn’t have all of these damn hate crimes.

That said, have a nice day.

Well, I can honestly say I have my mother to thank for the choosing of CarpeDM. Other than the fact that she named my Dana Marie, right? For some reason, she would complain bitterly about my other email/screen names.

The first one was troubledvixen – okay, a bit odd, maybe, but this one came about at a job I had at a department store. One of my co-workers and I had anonymously posted a letter of complaint in the break room about our evil supervisor neglecting her job for months and suddenly coming to us in a meeting and saying “Oh, by the way, even though there hasn’t been any disciplinary action taken in the last 3 months, well, we’re still watching your cash drawer shortages and hey, you could lose your job tomorrow if you make one more mistake.” He was pulled into the office by the aforementioned evil supervisor and her boss and the ES told him “I know it was you. You and that troubled vixen you hang out with.” Mom didn’t like it. She was embarrassed to include me in her group emails.

Okay, Mom, I’ll change it. The next one was badbadkittygirl. This was the result of my friend Annie yelling at her cat, Nala. “Nala, you are a bad girl. You are a bad, bad kitty girl.” I thought it was hilarious and decided to try it as an email/screen name. Mom didn’t like it because she could never type it in correctly. And, I was also running into problems because any time I went into a chat room, I would be attacked by extremely horny men who would try to get me to hook up with them. I am not a feline dominatrix!

So then, I went with fruitfly. Fairly easy, simple, right? This was a nickname one of my friends gave me in email.

Friend – “You’re a fruit fly.”

DM – “What the heck is a fruit fly?”

Friend – “You buzz around gay boys.” (Granted, this was back when I’d hit the gay bars with him. I’m too old to club now, especially since I quit drinking)

Okay, I accept the title, I hate the term faghag. Another friend told me I was a flame dame but I think that title belongs to Beth, she’s a lot classier than I am. Mom, who is relatively open minded, thought that people on her mailing list were more conservative than her and might not like it. My response, why do I care? And how do they know what it means? Maybe I just like apples, did you ever think of that?

To appease the Royal Momness, I decided to go with carpeDM. She was okay with that. But she doesn’t know that secretly I am thinking “Don’t seize the day, seize the Dana Marie!” Mwahahahaha!

Update – I get an email from Mom at work. “Have you changed your email address? I can’t get anything through to you.” I’ll have to connect with her to find out what’s going on…I certainly don’t want to change the email address again! Although, I wonder what I could come up with this time.

Previous comments

Why did you choose your screen name?

At 9:52 AM, lilblackgirl said…

I associate screen names with online alias’s. I’ve had a few current one, LBG (lilblackgirl) was a passing joke by some soccer buddies about 15 years ago and it stuck with me ever since. no, i’m not black, i’m not a girl and i only weigh about 160.

godcomplex – came from the Alec Baldwin film “malice”. decent film, but best quote ever.

strich – another soccer name given because i run on my toes, like an ostrich, hence the name.

So, those of you who read my post on June 9th, might remember how excited I was to watch LCS this week, right? I was looking forward to seeing how my favorites did. Yeah, well, I’m ticked off now.

Tuesday night, I am settled onto the couch, having been smart enough to go to the bathroom before the show started, I am avidly waiting for laughter and joy to invade my living room. And it did.

Here were the people I liked (if I could find a home page for them, I linked it):

Jessica Kirshon, who is insane but very funny.

Gary Gulman – Tall, dark, handsome and hilarious. Mmm, Dana like.

Kathleen Madigan – Love her. Her gymnastic jokes were great.

Monty Hoffman – Very dry sense of humor. Which I love.

Dan Ahdoot – The whole comedy calendar? I wanted more.

Unfortunately, only Kathleen and Gary made it to the house. The plus side, Ant made it, Keem likes him. And he is very funny, I just like Dan Ahdoot and Monty more.

I am not happy about:

Corey Holcomb or Bonnie McFarlane – I don’t think they are that funny.

Wednesday night is what made me mad.

Here are the people I was rooting for:

John Heffron – I have no words, only laughter.

Dan Naturman – Looks like I’m not the only one who likes him, he did get a standing ovation from the audience and the celebrity judges.

Jay London – The one liner king. Just helpless laughter.

Tammy Pescatelli – I think she’s funny and I feel bad about her Dad being sick. She wasn’t her best on Wednesday.

Alonzo Bodden – Like Gary, Alonzo is tall, dark, handsome and hilarious. Mmm, Dana like him as well!

Okay, I got 4 out of 6 of the comics I wanted into the house but I am so pissed about Dan Naturman. He was great. I know the only reason Todd Glass “won” is because the producers are trying to come up with drama for the house. Todd Glass is extremely annoying and I’m waiting for someone to punch him. And as much as I like Tammy, Jim Wiggins deserved to go onto the house (Keem and I were sad when he didn’t make it last week so we were excited to see him be called in last minute).

I am still looking forward to next week, just because I hope Bonnie McFarlane and Todd Glass get kicked out quickly.

Do you know what I’ve had for the last two days for lunch? I’ll tell you. Cold Tater Tot Hotdish (Yes, I am Midwestern. And it’s pop, not soda). Do you know why it’s cold? Because if I walk to break room and heat up my lunch, that is at least 10 minutes that I could be blogging or reading other blogs. I only get a 1/2 hour for lunch, why would I waste my time on a microwave?

Tomorrow, Keem and I are going to the Bank of DM for overtime. Keem works a full day. I will work 4 hours. Why not work the full day? Because I can spend the time I’m not on the phone on the computer in our resource room. At home, I am at the mercy of the dial-up service. At work, it’s DSL, baby. Yes, everyone I work with thinks I’m insane.

But you know, I just don’t care. I have had a lot of fun, not only writing my adventures but also reading some very interesting blogs as well. It’s a beautiful and diverse world we live in and there are a lot of great characters in it as well.

June 2004

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